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The MAIN way to get good drops on pvp/wildy in runescape was to build up your E.P. but now it seems it would be worth your time to just risk a descent amount and find an oppenent who you think you can defeat who has good armor or weapon since you will get that as a drop.

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Q: How do you get good drops on pvp RuneScape?
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What does ep stand for in RuneScape?

Earning Potential in pvp 100ep will get you better drops than say, 50ep

How do you do the trick that gets you a 26k or more drop in pvp on runescape?

You risk more items yourself, the more you risk the more you get. You get good drops if you are risking 25k or more on a pvp world. This means that you would lose it if you died, and it is not protected by the protect item prayer. There is a great guide on how to own in Pvp worlds here:

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Corrupt dragon items can only be obtained by buying them or by rare pvp drops.

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Out of most the people who pvp are pures. It really matters if your defense is good and if you have good range level and the armor helps a lot.

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in pvp worlds, that isn't really an achievement, that just shows your too scared to risk, meaning lame drops.

How do people on runescape get so good at pvp and get all the rare item?

To get 'rare' drops on PvP you need to risk more expensive items and stay in the hot zones. The more you risk and the longer you stay in the hot zones the bigger the chance of getting a 'rare' drop. Although it can take some time.

Where is pking on RuneScape?

on the pvp/bounty worlds

How do you pvp good in RuneScape?

I have placed a link below that should take you to a site that should be able to answer your question.

What happened to pvp on RuneScape?

Before - PvP was taken away meaning that you would have to go on to a bounty or PvP world to kill other players, and that the drops were very limited.Current - The old Wilderness has been fully restored and is a dangerous place again, meaning if you kill someone you get their items instead of set items.

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Is a bank safe in pvp on RuneScape?

There are no banks in PvP zones but there is a safe of keeping 3 items UNLESS you are skulled.

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Scamming, pvp, pvm, dueling, & merching.