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You can't TECHNICALLY catch Golem ever. The way you get a Golem is by trading a Graveler to another game. The Graveler will evolve from being traded. Hope this helps! :) Graveler is the evolved form of Geodude, so yea.

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Q: How do you get golem on Pokemon SoulSilver?
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When does graveler evovle in Pokemon SoulSilver?


How do you get golem in Pokemon SoulSilver?

trade a graveler

What level does it take to get golem in Pokemon soulsilver?

You can get golem by link trading graveler with someone else.

What evolves by trading in Pokemon Soulsilver?

1.kadabra to alakazam 2.haunter to gengar 3.graveler to golem 4.machoke to machamp

Who is boy golem?

golem is Pokemon

Where can you battle golem in SoulSilver?

brock has one that you can battle

How do you evolve graverler in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Graveler does not evolve naturally. Graveler can only be evolved by trading it. Once you trade it, it will evolve into a Golem. There is no other way to evolve it.

How do you get Golem in Pokemon Crystal?

You have to trade a Graveler to it can evolve into a Golem. This applies for all Pokemon Games.

How do add the data of a golem in Pokemon sapphire?

You have to catch the Golem.

Who has golem in Pokemon FireRed?

the fat guy on route 13524635746876 has a golem

Why is Golem from Pokemon called Golem?

it is a reference to the golems of medieval and hebrew legends

How do you get a golem on Pokemon shapphire?

From what i remember, you trade a graveller and then it evoles into golem =D