Okay, In Cod4 there should be FIVE types of gun classes.
1. Assault
2. SMG
3. LMG
4. Shotgun
5. Sniper
When you get 150 headshots on each GUN, you get a colour called red tiger. Once you get red tiger for all the guns in one class, you unlock a GOLD gun.
There is one gold gun ONLY in each gun class, a total of FIVE.
Here is a list of the golden guns you can get:
1. Assault = AK-47 (You need a total of 1050 headshots)
2. SMG = Mini-Uzi (You need a total of 750 headshots)
3. LMG = M60E4 (You need a total of 450 headshots)
4. Shotgun = M1014 (You need a total of 300 headshots)
5. Sniper = Dragunov (you need a total of 750 headshots)
That's it :),
P.S - i have a golden sniper ;)
Not really, but you get a better sign to show your stat to show off at players. I'm Level 55 with all the prestiges and I got a golden cross as my sign next to my name. But the bad bit is you get nothing extra, just really to keep you playing. No new guns or such, just to make you keep playing.
The Lvl 55 Unlockables are, Golden Desert Eagle, Golden Camo some guns can't have weird... should have all guns all perks, and to get things like red dot sight you have to do achievements, i know them because i have lvl 55 but, sadly i got cod4 but code not work because one person already got i had his and i got the lvl 55 code from a site can't rember though :( but if u want it i will try to find it. I will make a question on "How to get to lvl 55 easy?" and it will have the link!
on call of duty modern warfare 2: no you cannot get golden guns =( call of duty 6 is black ops not mw2 idiot far as the golden skins could be because there's a locked camo that you need 14 prestige to unlock
There is no explanation for that.
in the game of the year edition you get 4 new maps in reg version you don't
you have to get 150 headshots with all of the guns in that class. Eg: Get 150 headshots with all the smg and then you will get a golden mini uzi
its has gold guns and it is the best THE BEST
To get the Desert Eagle you got to be a level 43 and the golden camo is level 55.
It's guns with a golden camo.
You have to earn the golden guns
No there is not golden guns in World at war.
Modern Warfare 2 by default has no golden guns, unlike it's predecessor.
The easiest gold gun to get is the gold desert eagle, you reach it when you turn to level 55.
You Have To Complete ALL the sniper marksman challenges with all the sniper rifles to unlock the gold Dragunov.
you have to hack it to get gold guns
only for lmgs but for some guns there us no recoil like the m4 carbine