You go to the gems icon and click the plus sign. Then there should be something that says gems 1.99 click that if you want to buy it.
You can crossbreed a labradoodle on pet shop story with a Labrador and poodle. Labrador costs 21 gems to buy.
You get free gems by doing goals or installing apps that are featured on goals.
You actually CAN get free gems by doing goals like installing certain apps.
Pet snack can only be obtained in cash shop.
bulland frog
The only way of getting gems is by you buying on the top screen where it shows you how many gems you have.
You can crossbreed a labradoodle on pet shop story with a Labrador and poodle. Labrador costs 21 gems to buy.
You get free gems by doing goals or installing apps that are featured on goals.
You actually CAN get free gems by doing goals like installing certain apps.
You start with 10, and if you complete come of the quests, sometimes gems wil be one of the rewards.
To expand on the game, Pet Shop Story, a person will first need to have enough gems collected during the game. To expand, simply access the market and click on the expand button to select how big the shop should expand.
You have to buy a Labrador Retreiver for 21 gems in the market and then breed it with a poodle.If you don't have gems just go buy some more
Crossbreed a Labrador with a Poodle. The Labrador will cost 21 gems. Actual cross-breeding of the two to get one Labradoodle will cost an additional 29 gems.
you don't actually get a bull on pet shop story, you can get a bullfrog by crossbreeding a frog & american bulldog
As far as I've found out, the only way to get gems is by paying real money. The only thing I'm hating about this game!!
when you have all the gems go into the dog room and get the key from the kitty room and open the drawer. Then you go in the box inside and put all the gems in there then you get a key
you cant get them