or buying them,
or downloading full games that are freeware.
Torrents are not legal. When games and movies are put onto torrents, it is basically stealing the work that the designer did. Buy the game legally.
Unless you intend to pay for it, to the original company, then you don't. This is completely illegal andis punishable by large fines, or jailing.
Here go to this site: click Download then type in the security code, then click Download Now. Then go to and look under 'H' you should find the serial number in their somewhere.
just go to u can find all PC games here full version and free....
PC games are games that can only be run on a PC. (Personal Computer) These games cannot be run on a Mac, likewise, Mac games cannot be run on a PC.
Try rapidshare
Torrents are not legal. When games and movies are put onto torrents, it is basically stealing the work that the designer did. Buy the game legally.
You can't
A good way to get free pc games is to download them from bit torrent sites. One good site to download torrents from is This site has the most torrents available on the net and has very few broken links.
A good way to get free pc games is to download them from bit torrent sites. One good site to download torrents from is This site has the most torrents available on the net and has very few broken links.
Of course you can the pc games are made for people without the systems
Just go to, you can find many PC games here--full version and free....
try torrents they have loads of games and other stuff but be careful only download things with a green tick next to it
It is not available for the PC.
It depends do you mean can you play the console on a PC screen or Can you actaully play the games on a PC without the console?? It depends do you mean can you play the console on a PC screen or Can you actaully play the games on a PC without the console??
just go to u can find all PC games here full version and free....