LOL i have tried cheat enigne and down loaded lots of xat hacks and it didnt work. there are the hacks were you put user and pass same with email were you unlock your account and i might work. but then they hack your email and you will never get to use yuor mail again! also on club penguin i am rare2347 and always visit blizzard alpine and sleet! see ya on cp
It means that you keep on putting that words and you got red on that chat. Then you like cannot chat and wait until you do not have it! Do not do that and have fun chatting to but do not do that alright?
You really can't hack any powers because i have been threatend but with nothing happinging.Also don't belive you tube they use a javascript glitch that's lets you delete and type things.
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You can get "Xats" by registering, subscribing, and buying them on the Xat site. Click on the HOME tab, then click BUY XATS. Once there, you can select from three different purchase options - PayByCash, Credit Card, and by Phone.
You buy the hat power from the store which costs 100 xats.
You have to pay to get Xats.
You need to have status power which costs 400 xats. Then press $status=(message)
To get xats for your Xat account, you must be a registered user. Register or login to your account. Then click buy xats or anything similar. There you can choose how much you want to buy and how you want to pay. There are several ways to pay such as Paypal, Credit Card, or PayByCash. If you scroll down you may see a field where you can enter an Ultimate Game Card PIN and redeem it for xats.
You have to pay for Xats. You have to wait for days. You can't cheat the system, it's theft.
No, you have to pay to subscribe. However, xat has provided trialpay offers to make it free.
You get a lot of xats by purchasing them, ask your friends, or trade a lot.
You can't. Moderators and Owners are the only one with the power to establish any order in the chat. Well, you could buy superkick in store for 150 xats. Superkick allows a member to kick any banned guests.
XAT chat
When you Subscribe to xat it allows you to get powers,xats and days. Powers will only work if you have days.You automatically get days due to the amount of days you have been Subscribed for so if you have been subscribed for 1 day you will get 1 day,2 days =2 days, 3 days = 3 days etc. If you want to subscribe right now go to
easy/you give that person on your xat chat box your xat's password then they will insert it on edit then click xat settings then they will be main owner and they can help controle you xat ;-)