You can get a free dominus if someone gives you one. You can also get one by earning a gift that contains one.
To get Dominus Messor on ROBLOX you had to buy The Gift of the Dominator during October 2011. It cost 31,000 (31k) Robux.
It is always free to create an account on Roblox.
You can get Builders Club on ROBLOX for free by following this guide:
You can create a free account on roblox at
You can only get free stuff if Roblox makes an item that way.
Sorry but that is not possible! I wish you could though. 😢
To get Dominus Messor on ROBLOX you had to buy The Gift of the Dominator during October 2011. It cost 31,000 (31k) Robux.
It is always free to create an account on Roblox.
You can get Builders Club on ROBLOX for free by following this guide:
You can get Builders Club on ROBLOX for free by following this guide:
You can create a free account on roblox at
You can only get free stuff if Roblox makes an item that way.
No, you do not. It is free.
You can get Builders Club on ROBLOX for free by following this guide:
No, you cannot get free hats on roblox in any way
None. ROBLOX is the best building game on the Internet for free!
Yes, you can create a Roblox account for free. However, there are paid membership options such as Builders Club which are not free.