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You can watch Ballyhoo's (/join ballyhoo) promotional advertisements and ther is a slight chance she will reward you with ACs instead of gold, or you can complete third party offers.

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13y ago

Watch Ballyhoo's adds,you will get 5 ac,but it is VERY RARE!

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Q: How do you get free ac in adventure quest worlds?
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How can you get ac in adventure quest worlds?


How you get ac on adventure quest worlds with adventure quest worlds toolbar?

Search pointful stuff. Pointless spam will get you nowere.

How do you get ac coins in adventure quest worlds?

buy it

How can you get ac coin using quest in aq?

Adventure Quest uses Z-tokens. Adventure Quest Worlds uses Adventure Coins (AC) which can be obtained either by: watching the videos from Ballyhoo, earn the free premium currency through their surveys, or get lucky in AQ. AQW doesn't give in-game AC for free other than Ballyhoo I think.

How can you be a member in AQWorlds and have ac coins for free?

hi! ok you trasformes min is member im adventure quest worlds free go 24hours

Can you get by advanture quest worlds free AC?

u cant

Is there any non member pets in adventure quest worlds?

yes only on xmas but its ac

How do you get easy AC on adventure quest worlds?

u can buy the ac or goto ballyhoo u got 25% lucky for it to got ac

In adventure quest worlds where do you get acs and can you get them free?

Install the aqw toolbar then search using the toolbar. Once you search 19 times, then you'll get 3 ac coins.

How do you earn ac on adventure quest worlds?

go to balyhoo in battleon town some times u get it

Can you get dragon slayer helm without quest on adventure quest worlds?

The Dragon Slayer helm was available for purchase with AC coins at one point.

Does adventure quest worlds cost?

No it doesnt cost unless you want to upgrade and become member or get ac's or stuff like that.