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You get credits by finishing games, winning games, and getting commenadtions.

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Q: How do you get exp fast in the Halo Reach BETA?
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How does the halo reach beta exp system work?

You get credits for finishing a game, wining a game. and getting commendations.

Is there going to be double exp weekend in halo reach?

I expect Bungie to keep the extras from halo 3 and move them to reach. So, to answer your question yes I think they will have double exp. weekend in reach.

How do you get exp in halo when you have negative exp?

you go up exp by winning and lose exp by quitting

Which game gives you more Cr in halo reach?

The best gamemode to play is score attack gruntpocalypse, you get over 1000 exp a game, a game averages around 7 minutes, and you get commendations along the way. Works fast for me!

How do you know how much exp you need to rank up in halo reach?

You can see on your start screen (press start [just saying incase there are noobs reading this]) or for a more detailed visit then go to stats then to halo reach then you can type in your gamer-tag.

How much exp do you need be an officer in Halo 3?

you need to have 100 exp and 10 skill level to become a lieutennant (officer) on halo 3

How much kills does it take to get 5 exp in Halo 3?

You win games to earn EXP.

Why in Halo 3 do exp drop?

if you lose too much on a ranked playlist in matchmaking you can lose exp

What is the fastest way to level up in halo reach?

Go into Forge. Remember, if you leave your Xbox 360 on Forge for a few hours, you'll get a bunch of exp (cR).

Who has the most exp on Halo 3?

Go to to see

How do you get exp in Halo 3 online?

keep doin matchmaking.

Hoe much exp do you need to become a luetenit in halo 3?

100 exp. and a skill of at least 10