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You cant, You can only get The "Magmarizer"
Unfortunately, the only way to find an electrizer in Soul Silver is if you use the Pokewalker. I don't know the route or the number of steps to get it, but if you go on then you can find out.

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Q: How do you get electrizer in Pokemon SoulSilver?
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Where you get electrizer in Pokemon SoulSilver?

In cerulean cave

Where do you find an electrizer on Pokemon SoulSilver?

mt mortar

How do you get an Electrizer in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Trade your Electabuzz holding a magnet.

What level does electrabuzz evolve in Pokemon soulsilver?

You have to trade it with an Electrizer on it.

How do you get an Electivire in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Get an Electabuzz, give it the Electrizer, then trade it

What do you use the electrizer for in Pokemon SoulSilver?

To evolve electricity into electivire via trading, you must hold the electrizer.

How does electubuzz evolve on Pokemon SoulSilver?

Electabuzz > trade with electrizer > Electivire

How do you get the electrizer in Pokemon SoulSilver?

You can find the Electrizer in Cerulean Cave after you defeat all sixteen gyms and battle the elite four for a second time.

What is a electrizer in Pokemon SoulSilver?

It is a thing that you give Electabuzz so when you trade it it evolves into Electivire.

Where do you get the electrizer in pokemon soulsilver?

You can find an Elictrizer in Cerulean Cave. Its deaply within so be prepeared!

Where is electrivire SoulSilver?

U cant find electivire out as a wild pokemon...u must find the item electrizer and catch an electabuzz. Then put the electrizer in to electabuzz and trade it...

Where do you get an electrizer on Pokemon platinum?

You can find electrizer in valley windworks.