mt mortar
Get an Electabuzz, give it the Electrizer, then trade it
You can find the Electrizer in Cerulean Cave after you defeat all sixteen gyms and battle the elite four for a second time.
You can find an Elictrizer in Cerulean Cave. Its deaply within so be prepeared!
put in Pokemon fire red and there will be a elekid with an electrizer in the valley wind works field.
In cerulean cave
mt mortar
Trade your Electabuzz holding a magnet.
You have to trade it with an Electrizer on it.
Get an Electabuzz, give it the Electrizer, then trade it
To evolve electricity into electivire via trading, you must hold the electrizer.
Electabuzz > trade with electrizer > Electivire
You can find the Electrizer in Cerulean Cave after you defeat all sixteen gyms and battle the elite four for a second time.
It is a thing that you give Electabuzz so when you trade it it evolves into Electivire.
You can find an Elictrizer in Cerulean Cave. Its deaply within so be prepeared!
U cant find electivire out as a wild pokemon...u must find the item electrizer and catch an electabuzz. Then put the electrizer in to electabuzz and trade it...
You can find electrizer in valley windworks.