catch a dark type Pokemon (e.g murkrow) and then battle the psychic trainer. her Pokemon do no damage to it and you get 10k each battle, not to mention the very easy exp ;)
go on cucks on tdp4 and there you will get easy money! p.s. sometimes you lose money too!
easy battle the ghost type gym
yes, if you have this cheat: 52248BE0 49B6D01D 22248BE1 000000E0 D0000000 00000000 (and an action replay) It lets you use items in the battle, so have easy catch and catch trainer Pokemon on.
N's Pokemon change between every battle. He usually has at least one Pokemon that can be found in the area you battle in. Your final battle with N he has :Reshiram,Zoroark,Carracosta,Archeops,Klinklang and Vanilluxe.Trust me, he is easy to defeat.
Easy. Give him or her an Experience Share, then battle a high level pokemon.
Easy, if you have good pokemon!After you catch palkia and defeat the Elite 4 you can go there, and you will also be able to battle your rival there as many times as you want on a Friday.
all you gotta do is battle
try not sucking at Pokemon
EASY! Catch, train, battle POKEMON! IS YOUR DESTINY!
go on cucks on tdp4 and there you will get easy money! p.s. sometimes you lose money too!
yes exp share on desired Pokemon battle with strong one go through elite four until 50 put exp share on the Pokemon and battle with the Pokemon un till to 100 very easy remember to battle elite four only
An easy way to get money in Pokemon Indigo is to keep fighting gym leaders.
easy battle the ghost type gym
use the amulet coin to dubble prize money
easy you go to battle road and ask the person for a tag team battle.
Easy all you have to do is beat the elite four 15 times without healing you Pokemon
beat the elite 4 alot