you need dynamite to explode the cage open
Too many codes to list here, but the link in the related links will send ya to the right place for the codes.
Sorry theres no possible way to get codes on the internet but i dont now about Cd's or books or anything else dude who answered this murloc rpg stv is not blizz and is a broswer game no cds You can simply go on a prehack site ( play the game and level up, save the file onto your computer and bring it to another website.
i need codes for murloc 2 so bad
you need dynamite to explode the cage open
money murloc and lvl
yes it is possible it is called murloc rpg stranglethorn fever
I think you need to beat the final dragon guy but I might be wrong
Too many codes to list here, but the link in the related links will send ya to the right place for the codes.
It is already out ! Just Google murloc 2 or murloc straglethorn fever
Sorry theres no possible way to get codes on the internet but i dont now about Cd's or books or anything else dude who answered this murloc rpg stv is not blizz and is a broswer game no cds You can simply go on a prehack site ( play the game and level up, save the file onto your computer and bring it to another website.
1.You need to kill all ''Zul'Gurub'''s bosses2.You need to help the troll with a ''Goblin Dynamite''3.find him and his brother in ''Stranglethorn Vale''4.Buy the ''Blood Talisman''5.Go to the last screen of ''Jasperdine Mine''6.go left & right in the final screens until you see the portal in the final screenI got this from another site. here ya go.