If you mean in Creative Mode, you double-tap the space bar. Or hold down left shift and or press the s button
In creative mode, when you are flying, you hold space to fly up and shift to fly down. That is, if you haven't changed the controls. If you did, the key you use to sneak is the same key to fly down.
Inf flying, unlimited resoruces and godmode.
You double tap space to begin flying. After that you can press space to go up, and shift to go down. Double tap it again to get out of fly mode.
hold shift until you hit the ground or double tap space
Flying in Minecraft for the pocket edition version is just like the full version. Double-tap the middle button or the jump button. To go up higher, hold down the jump button while holding down the up button.
To stop flying just double tap Spacebar while you are in the air.
When flying, Ctrl (Control) causes you to descend and Space causes you to ascend. Double-tapping Space will exit flying mode, causing the player to fall under gravity (be warned that you will take damage if you have damage enabled).
In creative mode, when you are flying, you hold space to fly up and shift to fly down. That is, if you haven't changed the controls. If you did, the key you use to sneak is the same key to fly down.
Double tap the jump key to begin flying, double tap again to ascend double tap down to descend.
To stop flying in creative mode double tap space
do what you do to go up or hold crouch
Double tap the jump
don't know yet
Inf flying, unlimited resoruces and godmode.
You double tap space to begin flying. After that you can press space to go up, and shift to go down. Double tap it again to get out of fly mode.