1.Go to mushroom hill zone
2.Find one of those pulley things
3.While on the pulley press left left left,right right right,up up up
4.You will hear a ring sound if did button combination right
5.Now you have debug mode
While in debug mode you can:
spawn any item
spawn any enemy(in that specific zone)
spawn any platform(in that specific zone)
automatically have hyper sonic
go through ANY THING
To go into DeBug, bress B and place items with C.
Enable debug mode. Then, select any level and hit A+Start. Press B to turn into an object. Then, press A once. This will turn you into a item box. Press C to spawn it and you will see an "S" box. Use B to exit debug mode and then hit the S box. This will turn you into Hyper Sonic.
You can play Sonic 3, or Sonic & Knuckles but unfortunately you cant play Sonic 3 & Knuckles on Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection.
Hyper Sonic and Super Tails are only availbale in Sonic 3 and Knuckles if you gather all chaos emeralds the super emeralds.
"Knuckles Chaotix". Even though "Sonic 3" and "Sonic and Knuckles" were two separate games for the Sega Genesis, but the were both in the same story line. It started in "Sonic 3" and then continued in "Sonic and Knuckles". Knuckles Chaotix for the 32x, is his second game.
You can play them in the Sonic Mega Collection Games, but not in Sonic Gems:i can go super sonic says:but you need to unlock sonic 3 and knuckles that's what i had to do!
Enable debug mode. Then, select any level and hit A+Start. Press B to turn into an object. Then, press A once. This will turn you into a item box. Press C to spawn it and you will see an "S" box. Use B to exit debug mode and then hit the S box. This will turn you into Hyper Sonic.
Yes except in sonic 3 and knuckles, you can be knuckles. :)
You can play Sonic 3, or Sonic & Knuckles but unfortunately you cant play Sonic 3 & Knuckles on Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection.
Knuckles is not unlockable is story mode, but he is playable in competition mode. Note that Knuckles cannot glide in competition. If you lock on Sonic 3 to Sonic & Knuckles you can play through Sonic 3 story mode as Knuckles. He can glide in Sonic 3 & Knuckles. He is also playable in Sonic 2, if you lock on Sonic 2 to Sonic & Knuckles. It would be Knuckles in Sonic 2. He can also glide in it.
Yes,but on the sonic & knuckles side,not sonic 3 side
Hyper Sonic and Super Tails are only availbale in Sonic 3 and Knuckles if you gather all chaos emeralds the super emeralds.
Not on it's own, no. You can lock Sonic 3 onto Sonic and Knuckles and play as Knuckles through both games, though.
Years, you can. I own Sonic Classic Collection and my favorite game in it is Sonic 3 and Knuckles
You don't. You need sonic 3 & knuckles to play as Knuckles.
play sonic 3 once and sonic and knuckles twice
you have to get level select screen on before you can use debug all you do is hold select while selecting a level
Yes, it does! if you put Sonic 1 on it, it comes up with Blue Sphere the special stage in sonic and knuckles, If sonic 2 is in it, you can play as Knuckles in sonic 2 and reach places you couldn't with sonic!, but if you put sonic 3 in it it plays Sonic 3 and Knuckles and play sonic 3 as knuckles, acsess cheat code, but the final boss of sonic 3 is disabled as knux and Sonic 4 don't work cos that's for PS3 and Xbox 360 and wii