in control panel go to mouse. then click the pointers tab. select your cursor from the list
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You can find them at cursors-4u. I added a link.
Its not really a site, but go on and download and install it. I have it and it has over a million different cursors! You should try it.
MACHREE dear (a loved one) [n -S] ACHENES ACHENE, a type of fruit [n] ENCHASE to place in an ornamental setting [v -CHASED, -CHASING, -CHASES] OCHREAE OCHREA, ocrea (a sheathing plant part) [n] REACHER one that reaches (to stretch out or put forth) [n -S] REACHES REACH, to stretch out or put forth [v] MENACER one that menaces (to threaten (to be a source of danger to)) [n -S] MENACES MENACE, to threaten (to be a source of danger to) [v] AMERCER one that amerces (to punish by imposing an arbitrary fine) [n -S] CREAMER a cream pitcher [n -S] AMERCES AMERCE, to punish by imposing an arbitrary fine [v] RACEMES RACEME, a mode of arrangement of flowers along an axis [n] CAREENS CAREEN, to lurch while moving [v] CASERNE casern (a barracks for soldiers) [n -S] RECANES RECANE, CANE, to beat with a rod [v] CASSENE cassina (an evergreen tree) [n -S] ENCASES ENCASE, to enclose in a case [v] SEANCES SEANCE, a meeting of persons seeking spiritualistic messages [n] SENECAS SENECA, senega (a medicinal plant root) [n] ACEROSE needle-shaped [adj] CASEOSE a proteose (a water-soluble protein) [n -S] CAREERS CAREER, to go at full speed [v] CREASER one that creases (to make a fold or wrinkle in) [n -S] CREASES CREASE, to make a fold or wrinkle in [v] CESURAE CESURA, caesura (a pause in a line of verse) [n] MARCHEN a folktale (a tale forming part of the oral tradition of a people) [n MARCHEN] MANCHES MANCHE, a heraldic design [n] CHARMER one that charms (to attract irresistibly) [n -S] MARCHER one that marches (to walk in a formal military manner) [n -S] MARCHES MARCH, to walk in a formal military manner [v] MESARCH originating in a mesic habitat [adj] SCHMEAR to schmeer (to bribe (to practice bribery)) [v -ED, -ING, -S] SACHEMS SACHEM, a North American Indian chief [n] SAMECHS SAMECH, samek (a Hebrew letter) [n] SCHEMAS SCHEMA, a generalized diagram or plan [n] RANCHER one that owns or works on a ranch [n -S] RANCHES RANCH, to work on a ranch (an establishment for raising livestock) [v] CHOREAS CHOREA, a nervous disorder [n] ORACHES ORACHE, orach (a cultivated plant) [n] ROACHES ROACH, to cause to arch [v] CHAOSES CHAOS, a state of total disorder; a confused mass [n] ARCHERS ARCHER, one that shoots with a bow and arrow [n] CRASHER one that crashes (to collide noisily) [n -S] CHASERS CHASER, one that chases (to pursue (to follow in order to overtake or capture)) [n] CRASHES CRASH, to collide noisily [v] ESCHARS ESCHAR, a hard, dry scab [n] ROMANCE to woo (to seek the affection of) [v -MANCED, -MANCING, -MANCES] ACUMENS ACUMEN, mental keenness [n] MORCEAU a short literary or musical composition [n -CEAUX] MUCOSAE MUCOSA, a mucous membrane [n] SCREAMS SCREAM, to utter a prolonged, piercing cry [v] CANOERS CANOER, one who canoes (to paddle a canoe (a light, slender boat)) [n] COARSEN to make coarse (rough (having an uneven surface)) [v -ED, -ING, -S] CORNEAS CORNEA, a part of the eye [n] NARCOSE characterized by stupor [adj] ANCRESS a female recluse (one who lives in solitude and seclusion) [n -ES] CASERNS CASERN, a barracks for soldiers [n] UNCASES UNCASE, to remove from a case [v] USANCES USANCE, usage (a firmly established and generally accepted practice or procedure) [n] USAUNCE usance (usage (a firmly established and generally accepted practice or procedure)) [n -S] COARSER COARSE, rough (having an uneven surface) [adj] ACEROUS acerose (needle-shaped) [adj] CAROUSE to engage in a carousal [v -ROUSED, -ROUSING, -ROUSES] CASEOUS cheesy (resembling cheese (a food made from milk curds)) [adj] CRASSER CRASS, grossly vulgar or stupid [adj] SCARERS SCARER, one that scares (to frighten (to make afraid)) [n] CURARES CURARE, an arrow poison [n] ARCUSES ARCUS, an arch-shaped cloud [n] CAUSERS CAUSER, one that causes (to bring about) [n] CESURAS CESURA, caesura (a pause in a line of verse) [n] SAUCERS SAUCER, a small, shallow dish [n] SUCRASE an enzyme (a complex protein) [n -S] MONARCH an absolute ruler [n -S] NOMARCH the head of a nome [n -S] UNMACHO not macho [adj] CHROMAS CHROMA, the purity of a color [n] SUMACHS SUMACH, sumac (a flowering tree or shrub) [n] ANCHORS ANCHOR, to secure by means of an anchor (a device for holding a floating vessel in place) [v] ARCHONS ARCHON, a magistrate of ancient Athens [n] RANCHOS RANCHO, a ranch [n] CHARROS CHARRO, a cowboy [n] AUROCHS an extinct European ox [n -ES] MACRONS MACRON, a symbol placed over a vowel to show that it has a long sound [n] MASCONS MASCON, a concentration of dense mass beneath the moon's surface [n] CARROMS CARROM, to carom (to collide with and rebound) [v] MUCOSAS MUCOSA, a mucous membrane [n] SACRUMS SACRUM, a bone of the pelvis [n] RANCORS RANCOR, bitter and vindictive enmity [n] RANCOUR rancor (bitter and vindictive enmity) [n -S] CURRANS CURRAN, curn (grain) [n] SARCOUS composed of flesh or muscle [adj] SOUCARS SOUCAR, a Hindu banker [n] RAUCOUS loud and unruly [adj] HAREEMS HAREEM, harem (the section of a Muslim household reserved for women) [n] HEAUMES HEAUME, a medieval helmet [n] HEARERS HEARER, one that hears (to perceive by the ear) [n] REHEARS REHEAR, HEAR, to perceive by the ear [v] SHEARER one that shears (to cut the hair or wool from) [n -S] HEARSES HEARSE, to transport in a hearse (a vehicle for conveying corpses) [v] MEANERS MEANER, one that means (to intend (to have as a specific aim or purpose)) [n] RENAMES RENAME, NAME, to give a title to [v] REAMERS REAMER, a tool used to enlarge holes [n] SMEARER one that smears (to spread with a sticky, greasy, or dirty substance) [n -S] SEAMERS SEAMER, one that seams (to join with a seam (a line formed by sewing two pieces of fabric together)) [n] MEASURE to ascertain the dimensions, quantity, or capacity of [v -SURED, -SURING, -SURES] ARENOSE sandy (containing or covered with sand) [adj] AENEOUS having a greenish gold color [adj] EARNERS EARNER, one that earns (to gain or deserve for one's labor or service) [n] REEARNS REEARN, EARN, to gain or deserve for one's labor or service [v] UNEASES UNEASE, mental or physical discomfort [n] SEROSAE SEROSA, a thin membrane lining certain bodily cavities [n] ERASERS ERASER, one that erases (to rub or scrape out) [n] ERASURE the act of erasing (to rub or scrape out) [n -S] RESEAUS RESEAU, a filter screen for making color films [n] UREASES UREASE, an enzyme (a complex protein) [n] MENORAH a candleholder used in Jewish worship [n -S] HUMANER HUMANE, compassionate [adj] HARMERS HARMER, one that harms (to injure (to do or cause injury to)) [n] MARSHES MARSH, a tract of low, wet land [n] MASHERS MASHER, one that mashes (to reduce to a pulpy mass) [n] SHMEARS SHMEAR, an aggregate of related things [n] SMASHER one that smashes (to shatter violently) [n -S] HOARSEN to make hoarse (low and rough in sound) [v -ED, -ING, -S] SENHORA a married Portuguese or Brazilian woman [n -S] HARNESS to put tackle on a draft animal [v -ED, -ING, -ES] HAUSENS HAUSEN, a Russian sturgeon [n] HOARSER HOARSE, low and rough in sound [adj] RASHERS RASHER, a thin slice of meat [n] SHARERS SHARER, one that shares (to have, get, or use in common with another or others) [n] ENAMORS ENAMOR, to inspire with love [v] MOANERS MOANER, one that moans (to utter a low, mournful sound) [n] OARSMEN OARSMAN, a person who rows a boat [n] ENAMOUR to enamor (to inspire with love) [v -ED, -ING, -S] NEUROMA a type of tumor (an abnormal swelling) [n -MAS or -MATA] MANURER one that manures (to fertilize with manure (animal excrement)) [n -S] MANURES MANURE, to fertilize with manure (animal excrement) [v] SURNAME to give a family name to [v -NAMED, -NAMING, -NAMES] UNSEAMS UNSEAM, to open the seams of [v] REMORAS REMORA, a type of marine fish [n] ROAMERS ROAMER, one that roams (to move about without purpose or plan) [n] ARMURES ARMURE, a woven fabric [n] AMUSERS AMUSER, one that amuses (to occupy pleasingly) [n] ASSUMER one that assumes (to take on) [n -S] MASSEUR a man who massages [n -S] SERRANO a small hot pepper [n -NOS] REASONS REASON, to derive inferences or conclusions from known or presumed facts [v] SENORAS SENORA, a married Spanish woman [n] ARENOUS arenose (sandy (containing or covered with sand)) [adj] SNARERS SNARER, one that snares (to trap (to catch in a trap (a device for capturing and holding animals))) [n] SOARERS SOARER, one that soars (to fly at a great height) [n] AROUSER one that arouses (to stimulate) [n -S] AROUSES AROUSE, to stimulate [v] ASSURER one that assures (to insure (to guarantee against loss)) [n -S] RASURES RASURE, erasure (the act of erasing (to rub or scrape out)) [n] HANSOMS HANSOM, a light carriage [n] RHAMNUS a thorny tree or shrub [n -ES] MURRHAS MURRHA, murra (a substance used to make fine vases and cups in ancient Rome) [n] SHORANS SHORAN, a type of navigational system [n] MARRONS MARRON, a variety of chestnut [n] RAMSONS RAMSON, a broad-leaved garlic [n] RANSOMS RANSOM, to obtain the release of by paying a demanded price [v] ARMOURS ARMOUR, to armor (to furnish with armor) [v] ANUROUS having no tail [adj] URANOUS pertaining to uranium (a radioactive element) [adj] ASSUROR assurer (one that assures (to insure)) [n -S] MERCHES MERCH, merchandise [n] SCHEMER one that schemes (to plan or plot) [n -S] SCHMEER to bribe (to practice bribery) [v -ED, -ING, -S] SCHEMES SCHEME, to plan or plot [v] COHERER a device used to detect radio waves [n -S] CHEEROS CHEERO, cheerio (a greeting (a salutation)) [n] COHERES COHERE, to stick together [v] ECHOERS ECHOER, one that echoes [n] RECHOSE RECHOOSE, CHOOSE, to take by preference [v] EUCHRES EUCHRE, to prevent from winning three tricks in euchre (a card game) [v] CERUMEN a waxy secretion of the ear [n -S] MERCERS MERCER, a dealer in textiles [n] ENCORES ENCORE, to call for the reappearance of a performer [v] NECROSE to affect with necrosis [v -CROSED, -CROSING, -CROSES] COENURE coenurus (a tapeworm larva) [n -S] CENSERS CENSER, a vessel for burning incense [n] SCREENS SCREEN, to provide with a screen (a device designed to divide, conceal, or protect) [v] SECERNS SECERN, to discern as separate [v] CENSURE to criticize severely [v -SURED, -SURING, -SURES] RESCORE SCORE, to make a point in a game or contest [v -SCORED, -SCORING, -SCORES] RESCUER one that rescues (to free from danger) [n -S] SECURER one that secures (to make firm or tight) [n -S] CERUSES CERUSE, a lead compound [n] RECUSES RECUSE, to disqualify or challenge as judge in a particular case [v] RESCUES RESCUE, to free from danger [v] SECURES SECURE, to make firm or tight [v] MUNCHER one that munches (to chew with a crackling sound) [n -S] MUNCHES MUNCH, to chew with a crackling sound [v] CHROMES CHROME, to plate with chromium [v] SCHMOES SCHMO, a stupid person [n] MOUCHES MOUCH, to mooch (to obtain without paying) [v] COHUNES COHUNE, a palm tree [n] CHURNER one that churns (to stir briskly in order to make butter) [n -S] EUNUCHS EUNUCH, a castrated man [n] COSHERS COSHER, to coddle (to pamper (to treat with extreme or excessive indulgence)) [v] CHOUSER one that chouses (to swindle (to take money or property from by fraudulent means)) [n -S] ROUCHES ROUCHE, ruche (a pleated strip of fine fabric) [n] CHOUSES CHOUSE, to swindle (to take money or property from by fraudulent means) [v] HOCUSES HOCUS, to deceive or cheat [v] CRUSHER one that crushes (to press or squeeze out of shape) [n -S] CRUSHES CRUSH, to press or squeeze out of shape [v] CONSUME to use up [v -SUMED, -SUMING, -SUMES] MUCUSES MUCUS, a viscid bodily fluid [n] CORNERS CORNER, to gain control of [v] SCORNER one that scorns (to treat or regard with contempt) [n -S] CENSORS CENSOR, to delete an objectionable word or passage [v] CROSSER one that crosses [n -S] RECROSS CROSS, to intersect [v -ED, -ING, -ES] SCORERS SCORER, one that scores (to make a point in a game or contest) [n] COURSER one that courses (to cause hounds to chase game) [n -S] SCOURER one that scours (to cleanse or polish by hard rubbing) [n -S] COURSES COURSE, to cause hounds to chase game [v] SOURCES SOURCE, to originate [v] SUCROSE a type of sugar [n -S] CURSERS CURSER, one that curses (to wish evil upon) [n] CHURROS CHURRO, a Spanish and Mexican pastry [n] UNCROSS to change from a crossed position [v -ED, -ING, -ES] CURSORS CURSOR, a light indicator on a computer display [n] MENSHES MENSH, mensch (an admirable person) [n] RESHONE RESHINE, SHINE, to emit light [v] RESHOES RESHOE, SHOE, to provide with shoes [v] REHOUSE to establish in a new housing unit [v -HOUSED, -HOUSING, -HOUSES] RUSHEES RUSHEE, a college student seeking admission to a fraternity or sorority [n] MOREENS MOREEN, a heavy fabric [n] REMORSE deep anguish caused by a sense of guilt [n -S] RESUMER one that resumes (to take up again after interruption) [n -S] RESUMES RESUME, to take up again after interruption [v] SENORES SENOR, a Spanish gentleman [n] ENSURER one that ensures (to make certain (absolutely confident)) [n -S] ENSURES ENSURE, to make certain (absolutely confident) [v] MOSHERS MOSHER, one that moshes (to engage in frenzied dancing with others at a rock concert) [n] MUSHERS MUSHER, one that mushes (to travel over snow with a dog sled) [n] HUMERUS the large bone of the upper arm [n -MERI] HUMUSES HUMUS, decomposed organic matter [n] NOSHERS NOSHER, one that noshes (to eat snacks between meals) [n] SENHORS SENHOR, a Portuguese or Brazilian gentleman [n] UNHORSE to cause to fall from a horse [v -HORSED, -HORSING, -HORSES] UNHOUSE to deprive of a protective shelter [v -HOUSED, -HOUSING, -HOUSES] HOUSERS HOUSER, one who organizes housing projects [n] RUSHERS RUSHER, one that rushes (to move swiftly) [n] MOURNER one that mourns (to feel or express grief or sorrow) [n -S] SERMONS SERMON, a religious discourse [n] MOUSERS MOUSER, an animal that catches mice [n] SNORERS SNORER, one that snores (to breathe loudly while sleeping) [n] SORNERS SORNER, one that sorns (to force oneself on others for food and lodging) [n] NURSERS NURSER, a baby's bottle [n] ROUSERS ROUSER, one that rouses (to bring out of a state of sleep or inactivity) [n] USURERS USURER, one that practices usury (the lending of money at an exorbitant interest rate) [n] HUMOURS HUMOUR, to humor (to indulge (to yield to the desire of)) [v] RUMOURS RUMOUR, to rumor (to spread by hearsay) [v]