Corsola is a Water and Rock type pokemon.
it is a swarming Pokemon so you have to be lucky to get it. you have catch it at lake 230 in the grass. by Ryan goodwin email me
you can catch corsola by fishing with a super rod in cianwood city while having the sinnoh music on.
trade ruby or sapphire
number 135 is corsola
Corsola is a Water and Rock type pokemon.
it is a swarming Pokemon so you have to be lucky to get it. you have catch it at lake 230 in the grass. by Ryan goodwin email me
Corsola doesn't evolve.
Corsola does not evolve. Sorry
Corsola is one of the few Pokemon that doesn't have an evolution.
Corsola is a rock and water type of Pokemon. You can find it in various places, such as Route 128.
Corsola is #222 in the national pokedex, and it is a Water-Rock type Pokemon.
No I can prove it too I battled a corsola (unseen at the time) looked in my Pok'edex and no Corsola to be found
it does not evolve