You Can Find Chips All Through
Like on the shows page, then go the bottom and u will see a tank shaped thing, if it says no chips found, then go to a different page, then try a different page until it says chip found, and click the chip then it shud be in your dock.
Sorry, but there are no current bunny codes that are avalivabe or valid to enter.
SK328=Runer SKALBFPM6=BigFunParty SKBFPP05=BigFunPartyPole SK23FC17=FlewyCave JRGABFPM5=BigFunPlayer SK11FT28=FlewyTwirlies
DACEs are chips designed and entered in said event. Once won, the creator of such design will receive a code that they will use to get their design & give away to friends. MechLegs3 was in the DACEv2, which was in 2007, therefore the code has long expired. It's creator Charizard25, probably doesn't even have the code anymore, considering it's quite useless these days but SKMAS I think is gifty2.
Well, Nesty - YOMAMA seriously the codes and stuff you need) But this code doesn't work anymore! :(
There are chips impossible to get (cripples), but available chips are found in chipresources (blue device on page, The dump in your dock, and trades
SKART1 and SKVIC41 my sitekick name is MANBAT231
SKD2LG is the sitekick code for derby legs for the august list
its already expired you know!
RB8WK9 - Skyplacey Code
skft11-flewy twirlies
i got 1 from spinball or pinball RBF722
I don't really care but Sapphure eyes is SKS4E1
sorry to break it to you but only 1 person knows what it is cause it's a d.a.c.e so who ever made it puts the code in and trades it as much as he/she wants basicaly its a way for him or her to get lots of good chips but if u find it i wanna know lol