The only way to get Celebi on Pokemon Pearl without AR cheats is via event distributions. However these events are no longer being held or supported for Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum.
I don't know but for how to:go to youtube and search: how to capture celebi in Pokemon Diamond. I did that and tada! I have 5 celebis (transferred by my spare Pokemon pearl.)
need to get their events
I'm afraid you cannot get a Celebi in Pokemon HeartGold, unless you use a Action Replay. The only Celebi legal, I think, is the Nintendo Event that has passed. If you do have the Celebi in your GameBoy Pokemon Cartridge, then you can migrate it to Pal Park, then trade from Pearl/Diamond to HeartGold/SoulSilver.
the only way to get cheats on Pokemon diamond and pearl is you going out and buy an action replay from GAME!! or ARGOS!! it only costs in gamme 19.99 and in argos 14.99
By trading for it.
You can only get Celebi in Pokemon Pearl if you migrate it from Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald, or if you use an Action Replay code. If a friend or someone on Wi-Fi has it in the Gobal Trade Station, you can get it from there. You cannot catch Celebi in Pokemon Pearl without attending an event.
you cannot
u can't
Do you mean Celebi? Celebi is only availble in Pokemon Crystal and Colosseum.
if you have emerald or Pokemon migrate celebi and 5pokemons in pal park
There are no cheats without action replay for pearl but there are glitches but if some of them require for you to do the Pokemon trading thing do NOT do them because the Pokemon company can ban you from trading.Just search Pokemon pearl glitches I know there's tons of them.
Celebi is obtained through the Japaneese bonus disk of Colusseum or through a Pokemon event that distributes Celebi. It's impossilble to get a Celebi in any game sorry ---- No it isn't you can get it in Emeral Ruby Sappire and in Diamond and Pearl throungh PAl Park or cheats.
in a fossil
You can't without trading, migrating or, cheats
you get celebi on a gba game such as... ruby Sapphire emerald fire red leaf greenYou cannot catch Celebi in Pearl. Celebi is a Special Event accessible Pokemon only.