In Cerulean City, A stretched house with a Bulbasuar next to a lady. Talk to her. (She will only give it to you if your Pikachu is happy enough)
No. They were made after Pokemon Yellow.
No, you cannot get Lugia on Pokemon Yellow.
Yes you can trade Pokémon between two Pokémon Yellow games.
You can get rare candies in pokemon yellow
In Pokemon Yellow Onix does not evolve, it is a one stage Pokemon.
it learns razor leaf and vine whip and when it evolves into venasaur it learns solerbeam
you can't
me!!! i downloaded it in pal park from Pokemon firered.
you dont you have to migrate it from leaf grean
May has a pidgey,pidgeotto, and a bulbasar.
haha you can't unless you trade it from red or blue. Sorry but, your wrong. In Cerulean City, a LONG house is full of Pokemon. Talk to the lady. If your Pikachu is happy enough, she will give it to you.
find a bulbasar
Err, it is a starter... you can trade it from another game.
Defeat Lt. Surge and talk to a lady in a house in Cerulean City.
Yes, Squirtle, Bulbasar or Charmander are the three starter pokemon. You may choose to start with either of these three.
Special*. Bulbasaur*. And to answer your question, you get Entei, the fire dog pokemon, roaming around Kanto region AFTER you defeat the Elite 4.
choose bulbasar as your starter, oh ya! charmander for suicuine,or squirtle for roiku.