There is no 'brown dye' - to dye wool brown, you just place it along with Cocoa Beans into your crafting slot, to make Brown Wool.
You have to either find a brown sheep or Dye it with cocoa beans, which you can find them in chests or in jungles
You can craft things with Lapis like: A Lapis Lazuli block, light blue dye, cyan dye, purple dye, magenta dye and blue wool. You can check out Minecraft Wiki for some help and tips.
No, but you can dye it's collar
I think you are mistaking the orange color for brown. The orange do really look like brown on normal capes. Anyways, mix red dye with yellow dye for orange dye. When you use the orange dye on a normal cape, you will get your " brown" cape.
You can't. But with resource packs or mods you can.
You have to either find a brown sheep or Dye it with cocoa beans, which you can find them in chests or in jungles
rose red dye and bonemeal
One will dye your hair blonde and one will dye your hair brown.
You can craft things with Lapis like: A Lapis Lazuli block, light blue dye, cyan dye, purple dye, magenta dye and blue wool. You can check out Minecraft Wiki for some help and tips.
For colouring wool blocks.
Burn cactus in a furnace.
No, but you can dye it's collar
I think you are mistaking the orange color for brown. The orange do really look like brown on normal capes. Anyways, mix red dye with yellow dye for orange dye. When you use the orange dye on a normal cape, you will get your " brown" cape.
by black dye\
If you dye yellow sheets brown, you will likely end up with a shade of brown that is a combination of the original yellow and the new brown dye. The final color will depend on the specific shades of yellow and brown being used.
You can dye wool or sheep black with it.