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u cant. does somebody have a crush on blue? .......... just kidding. but seriously, u cant, sorry.


Haha, yes you can. You get a party full of Pokemon with max happiness, and talk to Daisy in Blue's house (Pallet town) on a Monday. Have fun!

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it has to be on a specific day. go to blues house (the one on the right in pallet town) and talk to his mom. she will give you a letter and you have got to write sompething on it. do this 7 times and she will give his number. its sompething like that. i think it was saturday, but im not sure
Blue, is a Gym Leader who doesn't leave the gym for you to obtain their phone number. Instead, to get his phone number, you have to show a Pokémon of full happiness to his sister, Daisy Oak in Pallet Town after she has massaged your Pokémon 5 times. Once she sees it, she will give you his number. Then, on Sunday Night, you can call him to arrange a rematch

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Q: How do you get blues phone number in Pokemon HeartGold?
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You have to talk to Blue's sister, Daisy Oak in Pallet Town. Get your Pokemon massaged there at least five times, and she will give you his phone number. She does massages between 3 and 4 in the afternoon.after you get blues phone# you call him at Sunday nightAfter you have beat blue the first time you can get massages from blue's mom between 14 to 15 pm. And after you get 5 massages from his mom with the same Pokemon she will offer you blue's phone number.

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