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plant three dragon fruit!

(chop chop included)

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Q: How do you get blue and yellow dragon fruit on moshi monster?
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You do not have to be a member. O'Really is a Leprechaun that makes a rainbow with his cane and then he will do something like a tap dance. You will need: Blue Dragon Fruit, Yellow Dragon Fruit and Any Star Blossom :)

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Prof. Purplex's combination: ethier Red or Blue color Dragon fruit + Pink Love berries + Yellow moon orchid.

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#070 O'really: Blue Dragon Fruit, Yellow Dragon Fruit, Any Star Blossom.

How do you catch o'really on moshi monsters?

blue dragon fruit yellow dragon fruit any star blossom hope to get just need the blue dragon fruit :DDD

What does 3 yellow dragon fruit do on moshi monsters?

It gives you ChopChop, a ninja monkey