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You cannot get Blathers picture. You can get your neighbors pictures, though. No matter what you try, you cannot obtain Blathers picture.

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Q: How do you get blathers picture on animal crossing wild world?
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How do you donate items to the museum in Animal Crossing Wild World?

Talk to Blathers and choose "donate."

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Ask him if he's all right.

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In Animal Crossing: Wild World, you can either donate or sell fossils to Tom Nook regardless of whether they have been examined by Blathers. It is up to you if you want to contribute to the museum or earn Bells by selling them.

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You can't. It's just programmed for them to be upset - Blathers does it the most. But it's interesting to learn about them!

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Examined. He won't blow the whistle if Blathers does not exam them.

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I save animals

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You can't.

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You just have to catch rare fish, bugs, and dig up fossils and let Blathers examan them and then sell them to Tom Nook.

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You don't. You can get villagers' and some special characters' pictures in Animal Crossing Wild World, not in City Folk.

Who is Blathers?

on animal crossing wild world you will have a museum,tom nooks,able sisters,town hall and a main gate if you go to the museum there will be a owl sanding there (if you have already talked to him he is awake if not he is asleep) he is blathers you donate fossils,fish and bugs to him if you keep talking to him over and over again you will beome freinds with him!