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You dont hahahahahaha unless you want to waist you real money on fb\

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Q: How do you get bahamut dragons on social empires?
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What happens to your furious dragon if you sacrifice it in supreme bahamut temple in social empires?

it disapears

How do you get dragons on social empires without buying them?

Dragon nest

How do you get dragons on social empires?

Buy with unit collection, train in dragon breeding nest, exclusive offers to give free dragons if you buy cash get by playing dragon city and social wars, and soul mix dragons for more dragons

Can Bahamut defeat Red Eyes Black Dragon?

yes because bahamut, is the king of dragons, and have different states. Red Eyes B. Dragon, is a basic ferocious dragon with red eyes and a black reptilian body

How do you get a dragon on social empires?

you can get dragons by breeding them through the dragon breeding nest, winning them in the game of darts, buying them, special offers and maybe more,

How do you mix a supreme bahamut dragon in socialempire?

try electric bahamut dragon + black bahamut dragon

When did Blood of Bahamut happen?

Blood of Bahamut happened in 2009.

When did Bahamut Lagoon happen?

Bahamut Lagoon happened in 1996.

When did Bahamut Senki happen?

Bahamut Senki happened in 1991.

When was Blood of Bahamut created?

Blood of Bahamut was created on 2009-08-06.

When was Bahamut Lagoon created?

Bahamut Lagoon was created on 1996-02-09.