On freeplay you can do this anytime, but you need space for one more family member ( maximum is 4 when you create a family so only do 3 )
On Bust out mode you can only do this once you married, and one of your goals is to raise a baby to a child ( it's hard! )
Ok, so you make your family member fall in love with you and then when it is on 100, kiss them, not the soppy crap kiss where the piano music plays and they hold hands and make the crappy kissing noises, it has to be one of the kisses where the cool music plays and they put their arms around each other and everything.
When they finish a pop-up with come up and say Do you want to have a baby? Click X and a baby will appear in a cradle, everyone around you will clap, DO NOT PLAY WITH THE BABY! it does absolutly nothing what soever it just makes it cry, when the baby does cry this is what you HAVe to do; sing to the baby, then feed it, then sing to it again, in that order OK?
When you have your baby put it in your bedroom so you wake up when it crys. If you neglect your baby the social services will take it away. Do not have both parents at work at the same time because that is when the baby cries - unfortunatly the baby takes about a week in sims life to grow up.
The babies always grow up really ugly so i don't bother with them
From Laura!
no you cannot have twins on sims bustin out i wish you could. how can you visit the house of romance in the sims bustin out?
Theres a lot of Sims on ps2 like: The Sims The Sims Bustin' Out The Sims 2 The Sims 2 Pets The Sims Castaway I'd say Bustin' Out is the best.
you can on sims platinum and sims bustin out but these games you kiss 2 or 3 times and you have a baby. but on sims 2 some people say you can be pregnant but you have to find different ways to get pregnant
Good question. The truth is you cant. The only Sims game for the ps2 that you can get pregnant on is Sims Bustin out. I have that game and i like it. Also in that game there are pools and stuff.
No. You can only have a baby on Sims Bustin Out for PS2. But, if you have a Windows or Mac, then you can get Sims 2 for it, then you can have a baby. Or Sims Life Stories. Either way. Hope I helped.
you cant make babies on sims 2 ps2, you can only do it with woohoo, i think you CAN on the sims bustin out ps2, maybe.
no but if you have the sims or the sims bustin out for ps2 you could be a make a kid and an adult as yourself.
no you cannot have twins on sims bustin out i wish you could. how can you visit the house of romance in the sims bustin out?
The sims bustin out. :]
Theres a lot of Sims on ps2 like: The Sims The Sims Bustin' Out The Sims 2 The Sims 2 Pets The Sims Castaway I'd say Bustin' Out is the best.
yes, it is the sims bustin' out
No. This is a very populare question,and the answer is No!!! glad i could help you thoe. if you really want a baby i suggest you get a computer or you get the sims bustin out.
Yes you have to kiss like three times but it has to be on free play and another player playing with you
June 15, 2006 Sims Bustin out was released