You earn it with the offers, or Ballyhoo will give you 5 ACs each time she gives you any. Note: Rate of ACs with Gold is low.
no way
go to ballyhoo at battleon and do her advertisements u usually get coins but somtimes u get at least 5 ac'sDownload the toolbar and search lots of things for acs. =)
Buy them.
Trying to get a free membership will result in your account being banned.
Darkside (Rare) , Necromancer (ACs)
Yes, you can use Click and Buy to buy ACs or a membership on AQW.
You can buy an AQW Membership or Adventure Coins in the Philippines by using an Ultimate Game Card; You could buy it at Netopia and redeem the code at your Master Account... And if you want how much I think for Membership for 3 months is for Php 1000 but the Adventure Coins would be: Php 200 - 1000 Acs/Php 500 - 5000 Acs/Php 1000 - 5000 Acs...
you cant sorry but hi
You earn it with the offers, or Ballyhoo will give you 5 ACs each time she gives you any. Note: Rate of ACs with Gold is low.
no way
No, you have to buy an AQW membership.
You earn it with the offers, or Ballyhoo will give you 5 ACs each time she gives you any. Note: Rate of ACs with Gold is low.
go to ballyhoo at battleon and do her advertisements u usually get coins but somtimes u get at least 5 ac'sDownload the toolbar and search lots of things for acs. =)
No one is going to give out a free unused pin.