you can get it when you get the ancient mother carving on nineball is located in the artic ocean on C3 by the ice mosiac
To pet an animal in endless ocean, simply select the food icon and shake your wii remote back and forth. You can pet any animal in the game.
Triton Village Ruins in Ciceros Strait
Go to the mermaid ballroom. A manta Ray should swim out. The manta ray is the "ghost"
One is a narwhal tusk located right inside the air hole where you find the narwhals, and the other is a walrus tusk found on land right near the walruses. (north coast of canada)
there is 100 ancient mew cards in the world.
Yes endless ocean blue world is out.
yes it is the same
Yes it is not impossible
It is endless... there is no back, there is no front, therefore there is no middle, therefore it doesn't exist, and the endless world never began...
no one knows.
11. That's it.
First of all, there are new locations and creatures not in the previous games. 2, dangerous creatures can attack you.
in the water next to the C343 Cruiser
I am not sure if you are talking about the first one, (Which was released on August 2, 2007) or the second one, Endless Ocean Blue World was released on September 17, 2009.
Get farther into the game until you can buy it from Nancy.
To pet an animal in endless ocean, simply select the food icon and shake your wii remote back and forth. You can pet any animal in the game.