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You need to complete the hard seer village tasks.

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Q: How do you get an enchanted Excalibur in RuneScape?
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The enchanted version is called the "Digsite pendant", since it can teleport you to the digsite.

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No it has to be enchanted first.

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Is it possible to buy enchanted items in runescape?

Sometimes. Enchanted Ruby necklaces can be bought on the G.E. (If I'm correct stores don't sell many enchanted items.) Though other enchanted stuff like an enchanted sickle are not tradeable and are quest related or self-constructed.

Can you transport in RuneScape?

Yes, you can teleport with different spells, magical jewellery and enchanted teletabs.

What sword did King Arthur remove from the stone?

King Arthur removed the sword called Excalibur from the stone. It was a legendary sword that only the true king of England was able to extract from the stone.

How do you check your runescape slayer task?

You just simply use an Enchanted Gem, you can buy them off a slayer master.

How much do enchanted jade bolts sell for in runescape?

They can't be sold, since they were made out of blurite, and blurite it's self can't be traded.

How do you finish Myths of the White Lands on RuneScape?

After you have retrieved the "Enchanted stones", all you need to do is speak to Explorer Jack in Lumbridge and give him the stones.

Where can you get the ring of forging in RuneScape?

A Ring of forging is simply an enchanted Ruby Ring, if you can find someone or make one yourself you can enchant it to make a Ring of Forging.

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How do you enchant a slayer helm in runescape?

you bring it to the summoning master located near falador were you first begin summoning once it is enchanted you can not take it apart until it is unenchanted