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To get an azurill, you need to breed a male and female marill while the female is holding the sea incense.
Make sure you have the National Dex

Catch yourself 2 Marills in Mt. Mortar

(Opposite Genders)

Put em in the Daycare, wait a while and, voilà! You got yourself an Azurill Egg.

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Can you catch Azuril on Pokemon Platinum?

Well to me yes because if you are in the wild like Pastoria city and Enterna Forest you might be able to find an Azuril at the Great Marsh too.

How do you get azuril in Pokemon diamond?

capture one in the safari zone

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after you visit azuril's dream then you can go to the volcano

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You have to get the secret potion from Cynthia.

Where can you find azuril in PokePark Wii pikachus adventure?

In the Beach Zone ,not that close to the Drifblim Stop

How do you catch a azuril in emerald?

You don't. Breed a marill holding Sea Incense and the egg will hatch into Azurill

What Pokemon are capable of learning Sing as an Egg Move in Pokemon X and Y?

Azuril, Plusle and Minun

Where do you find a espeon in mystry dungeon?

You find an Espeon in Azuril's Nightmare. But, if you want one on your team, you evolve Evee.

How do you find azuril in emerald?

breed a marill and azmumarill while it's holding sea incense. the egg will hatch into a azuril

What level does azurill evolve?

Azuril evolves when friendship is high enough, and Marill evolves at Lv 20 to Azumarill. You catch Azuril in Trophy Garden after getting the national pokedex. Talk to Mr Backlot and tell him you will survey him. He will tell you a special Pokemon in the garden. To catch Marill, go to Route 215.

When does azuril get his nightmare in Pokemon mystery dugeon explorers of darkness?

after you find and lose manaphy, help team charm, and do several more missions