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There are Two ways of getting an Eevee. One being go to the Pokemon Mansion, where the Prize Garden is after beating the Elite 4. Talk to the owner and answer both his questions yes. If you do he will tell you the rare Pokemon he saw in his garden, every day it is different. When he says he saw and Eevee go into the garden and walk around until you find it.

Another way is to Hearthome City. In the House next to the Pokemon Center is Bebe or the Pokemon Box Administrator. When you talk to her she will give you an Eevee, but you must have an open space in your party.

Remeber Eevee goes into 7 different Pokemon so breed it to get them all

Hope this helps :)

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Q: How do you get an Evee on Pokemon Pearl?
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How do you get evee on Pokemon Pearl?

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its not supposed to its there to evolve evee by leveling up evee next to it and it turns to leafeon (new evolution in pearl)

Where is Evee in Pokemon Pearl?

You can get one from Bebe in Hearthome but you need the National Dex

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No because you're breeding a Combee you need to breed one of the Evee evolutions or Evee its self.

Where do you catch evee on Pokemon pearl?

go to the trophy garden place and talk to the owner. on one of the days he will say evee of go to the gps and trade

How do you catch evee in Pokemon Pearl?

First You need The National Pokedex. Then, You Go to Hearth home City. In The house Where Bebe (Bebe is A Girl into Pokemon storage Boxes.)Then Talk To her Then She will Say Do you Want An Evee? If She doesn't Then your PC Pokemon Storage Box Will Be Named Bebe's PC. After That You can Get an Evee. Well Then, Good Evee Catching!

How do you get evee in Pokemon Pearl?

First You need The National Pokedex. Then, You Go to Hearth home City. In The house Where Bebe (Bebe is A Girl into Pokemon storage Boxes.)Then Talk To her Then She will Say Do you Want An Evee? If She doesn't Then your PC Pokemon Storage Box Will Be Named Bebe's PC. After That You can Get an Evee.

What Pokemon evolve with a water stone on Pokemon pearl?

I do not know all of them but hear are some evee=vaporion polywirl=polywrath