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Q: How do you get all three starter Pokemon in crystal version?
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How do you get the three starter Pokemon in silver version?

You trade between two games, gold, silver, or crystal.

How do you get all three starter pokemon in pokemon crystal?


How do you get the three starter Pokemon in crystal?

type this code 010075DA and now u can get all three starter Pokemon

What are the three starter Pokemon in Pokemon Crystal?

The three starters in Pokemon Crystal are Cyndaquil (the fire type) , Totodile (water) and Chikorita (grass ).

When do you get the three starter Pokemon from crystal in diamond?

you don't you get them from emerald or firered/leaf green

How do you get all three starter Pokemon in soul silver ds version?

you have to trade them

How do you get all three starter Pokemon on Pokemon sapphire version for visual boy advance?

trading or a game shark would do it

How do you get all three starter Pokemon on Pokemon sapphire version for Game Boy Advance after you beat the game?

Without a GS/AR? Trade.

Where can you get a totodile?

Totodile is one of the three starter Pokemon in Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver. To get a Totodile in any other Pokemon version you must trade it from Gold or Silver.

How can you get all three Pokemon starters in white version?

You start your game and get 1 starter then trade it. Then start the game again and pick a different starter. Do the same until you get all of the starters from Pokemon black and white.

What 3 starter Pokemon are for Pokemon Gold Nintendo game boy advance?

The three starters in Pokemon gold version are Chikorita, the grass type, Totodile, the water type, and cyndaquil.

How do you get all three starter Pokemon in red?

You need either two Red or one Red one Leafgreen or Crystal and two Game Boys and a link. Then you trade them. In Pokemon Red version, there are no other ways of obtaining the other two starter Pokemon unless you trade with Blue or Yellow. put your name as googy woog