appear:have 8 tigerlilies in the garden. visit:have 12 tigerlilies in the garden,have a zumbug resident in the garden. resident:has eaten 2 moojos,1 zumbug,and 1 buzzlegum. (only for just for fun)
go to pinata
# ---- nice
The zumbug evolves from the horstachio by feeding it a blackberry.
get a horstochio give it a blackberry and it will tern into a zumbug and if someone says daisys change the zumbug back its NOT TRUE.
appear:have 8 tigerlilies in the garden. visit:have 12 tigerlilies in the garden,have a zumbug resident in the garden. resident:has eaten 2 moojos,1 zumbug,and 1 buzzlegum. (only for just for fun)
No, you can't create a Pinata on Viva Pinata.
There are 4. Viva Pinata on Xbox, Viva Pinata Trouble on paradise on Xbox, Viva Pinata pocket paradise, and another game with viva pinata minigames on Xobx. Also there are some other viva pinata minigames on a game called
You can get the Rashberry on Viva Pinata on level 5.
No, you can only be a gardener.
A hippo
is aleady out its called viva pinata pocket paradice
On the first Viva Pinata there are only grass and long grass. but on Viva Pinata trouble in paradise you can get snow and sand also.
Yes you can, a zumbug is a variant of an Horstachio, to turn a Horstachio into a Zumbug. Grow a Blueberry bush and wait till they grow berries and drop on the ground (or hit the bush with the shovel once the berries grow). Plant some Buttercups and then hit it with a shovel so the head is on the ground, Direct horstachio to eat a berry and a flower head. You will now have a zumbug
Viva pinata in English is : Yea pinatas hooray pinatas! Viva Pinatas translates to Long Live the Pinata. Well,Accroding to the Microsoft Live translator Viva piñata means: Live Pinata meaning real alive pinatas