once you got the national pokedex talk to dawns sister and if she says something else wait till tomaro until she talkes about spoink! Your welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
level 32
You can get a Spoink in Route 214.
Spoink is a Psychic type pokemon.
dawns sister will tell you after nationall pokedex on a ceirten day
Nowhere, spoink is only in Hoenn.
You can´t catch it in the wild, but you can evolve Spoink if you have one. To catch Spoink you´ll need the National Dex. Go to Sandgem Town and talk to Dawn/Lucas´s sister. She will tell you which Pokemon is swarming that day and she will also tell you where to find them. You´ll have to talk to her everyday though, until she tells you where to find Spoink. Spoink will evolve at Lv. 32... --------------------------------
Spoink evolves at level 32.
Spoink evolves at level 32.
Spoink evolves at level 32
Spoink's are found on the Jagged Pass on the way to Lavaridge Town.