Punch or hit it. It will become angry and attack you. However, it needs to be a wild wolf that you haven't tamed.
No, you can't. If you hit the wolf it will become angry and it will keep attacking you until it is dead.
You can't- Killing it is the only way.
wolf collars cannot be dyed
The only way you can disown a wolf is to kill it.
No, you can't. If you hit the wolf it will become angry and it will keep attacking you until it is dead.
You can't- Killing it is the only way.
There are a few mods that can do so, But they can not be spawned in vanilla minecraft.
zombie pigman are minecraft mobs found in the nether and spawned in creative.
It points towards the place where you originally spawned.
wolf collars cannot be dyed
The only way you can disown a wolf is to kill it.
The first mob in Minecraft was the Human, which could be spawned by pressing G and looked like Steve. It was later removed in Classic.
Actually you can, just bring them an animal to kill.