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In The Sims 3 for 3DS, to get a sim pregnant, you need to have a romantic relationship between two sims. First, make sure they are in a committed relationship. Then, select the option for "Try for Baby" when the sims are in a romantic interaction. If successful, the female sim will become pregnant and eventually give birth to a baby sim.

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12y ago

For triplets, There are a few different ways. One is having the mother watch the kid's channel on tv a lot and listen to the kid's station on the radio. Also, reading Children's Books and pregnancy books adds to the chance of triplets. The easiest way is to have the fertility treatment lifetime reward for both the mother and the father. Both of these work for me! I hope this helped!

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I don't think you can on the 3DS. I might be wrong though.

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You can't get your sim pregnent on any sims ds game the only way is to buy the sims, the sims 2 or the sims 3 (I recomend you get the sims 3 its the best) and then get you sim pregnent!! hope it help!! Im another person... But if you cant get your sim pregnant why put hope you get your sim pregnant! LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!

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you can make your sim have a job and your sim will have that jobs outfit. or get your sim to move in a diffrent clohthed sim.

Can you get your sim pregnant on The Sims 3 ds?

You cannot.

Can your sim get pregnant on Sims 3 ds?

not on ds

How do you get a sim pregnant sims 3?

you cant i tried

How do you get your sim pregnant on The Sims 3 ds?

You can't.

On itouch I have Sims 3 and I was wondering if my sim can get pregnant?

no ur sim cant get pregnant, hope this help's :)

How do you know if your sim is prgnant on Sims 3?

when two sims woohoo and you hear a chime then you know your sim is pregnant. also, if the two sims can "woohoo" but not "try for baby" then the female sim is already pregnant.