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There's no such thing as a shiny egg, only shiny Pokemon.

It is not predetermined.

If you save just before it hatches, you could try restarting it until it hatches shiny. Or, use and Action Replay.

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Q: How do you get a shiny egg in Pokemon platinum?
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Is it true that it is easier to hatch shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Platinum?

Yes. Apparently it is easier to hatch shiny Pokemon from an egg in Platinum if it's parents are from another country.

What is the code to get shiny egg in Pokemon Platinum?

94000130 FCFF0000 B2101D4000000000 00001840 35F035F6 D200000000000000 Pokemon platinum

If you breed a Shiny ditto with a non shiny Pokemon will the egg be shiny or not in Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver?

No, the egg will not be shiny. However, it is possible that the egg will hatch into a shiny Pokemon, but the chances of getting a shiny Pokemon from the egg are not any higher than they would be if the ditto were not shiny.

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...shiny Pokemon are always shiny... ._.

Can the Pokemon be shiny when it hatches out of a egg on Pokemon pearl?

I think a egg with a shiny Pokemon in it is a different color

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Yes, you can get a shiny Pokemon out of an egg on any game.

How To Get Shiny Pokemon On Platinum?


Can you make a shiny egg on platinum?

sadly no ive tried it with a shiny Persian

Where can you find a Torchic egg in Pokemon Platinum?

no you can't find a torchic egg in Pokemon platinum

Can you get a shiny Pokemon in an egg?


If you breed a shiny Pokemon will the Pokemon in the egg be shiny?

There is a chance, but not usually. You can get shinies from eggs of normal colored Pokemon, but that's even rarer than encountering a shiny or getting a shiny from an egg laid by a shiny