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you keep catching pichu until you get one or you use action replay

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Q: How do you get a shiny Pichu in Pokemon HeartGold?
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On Pokemon heartgold will the Pichu event work with a shiny pikachu?

Yes it can, but where is Shiny Pichu anyway?

Can you use just a shiny Pichu for the Pichu event on Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver?


How do you get a shiny Pichu on Pokemon HeartGold?

I dont know how get the action replay for the system then put in the shiny pichu code

Pokemon HeartGold can you trade shiny Pichu to another HeartGold?

yes they're the same game

Can you get a spiky pichu with a shiny pichu from pearl?

No, that is only avilable for Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver. But a Shiny Pichu can be obtained in any game with Pichu in it, but it's really hard to find.

Can the special notched ear Pichu in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver be shiny?

No, infact the game has a pervention method to pervent a Shiny Notched Ear Pichu from being shiny.

How do you get Shiny Pichu in Heartgold?

you must try trading pokemon from d/p/pt

How do you get a shiny Pichu on Heartgold?

The chances of finding a shiny Pokemon is normally 1 in 8192. That's a 0.0122% chance of finding one! Or you can do it by this Idea: Ask you're friends for cheating a shiny pichu and trade it. if you got shiny pichu you can get a Spiky-Eared-Nitched Pichu.

Can you still get the shiny Pichu for Pokemon HeartGold when you missed the event?

Only by trading with someone who already has it.

Is there a 3rd chance to get a shiny Pichu?

No, not anymore. They are done with doing events for Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver.

Do you need a shiny Pichu for the speicial event in Pokemon HeartGold?

Yes, you need a special event Shiny Pikachu that was given away by Nintendo earlier in the year in order to get the event for the Spiky-eared Pichu to be unlocked in Pokémon HeartGold.

How do you get the colored Pichu in Pokemon HeartGold?

The Pikachu colored Pichu, a.k.a the Shiny Pichu, is only obtained through events, unless you are lucky enough to hatch one thru an egg