you keep catching pichu until you get one or you use action replay
Yes the same way you get shiny Pokemon in the other Pokemon games is how you get shiny Pokemon in heartgold. There is a free shiny Pokemon in the lake of rage.
by friendship in the day
You can either get 1 off you DP game, or just hope you get so so so so so so lucky, because this is the chance of getting a shiny - 000.01. That's how rare shiny Pokemon are. If you do want a shiny i have a shiny pichu ( Pikachu coloured pichu ) i am in the Wireless connection club union room at 4:40 - 6:50. I think you mean 0.0001 or .00001 -- but to get the point, its rare,an easy shiny Pokemon to get is the red gyrados.
Luck. You have a 1 in 8,192 chance of your starter Pokemon to be Shiny.
Yes it can, but where is Shiny Pichu anyway?
I dont know how get the action replay for the system then put in the shiny pichu code
yes they're the same game
No, that is only avilable for Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver. But a Shiny Pichu can be obtained in any game with Pichu in it, but it's really hard to find.
No, infact the game has a pervention method to pervent a Shiny Notched Ear Pichu from being shiny.
you must try trading pokemon from d/p/pt
The chances of finding a shiny Pokemon is normally 1 in 8192. That's a 0.0122% chance of finding one! Or you can do it by this Idea: Ask you're friends for cheating a shiny pichu and trade it. if you got shiny pichu you can get a Spiky-Eared-Nitched Pichu.
Only by trading with someone who already has it.
No, not anymore. They are done with doing events for Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver.
Yes, you need a special event Shiny Pikachu that was given away by Nintendo earlier in the year in order to get the event for the Spiky-eared Pichu to be unlocked in Pokémon HeartGold.
The Pikachu colored Pichu, a.k.a the Shiny Pichu, is only obtained through events, unless you are lucky enough to hatch one thru an egg