You just have to have luck and maybe you will get one remember there is 1 of 8,192 Pokemon to find a shiny.
I've never seen a shiny Blaziken, but I think it could be... maybe blue or something. Someone else can probably answer this question better than me. xD Shiny blaziken isn't blue, shiny blaziken has the same colours but his yellow and red colour are darker, while the white hair is the pure white colour, seeming to glow.
I'd have to say Blaziken.
Blaziken ex is worth $29.99.
Blaziken is a Fighting and Fire type pokemon.
Blaziken does NOT learn flamethrower. but torchiccan. at level 42 i think!
I've never seen a shiny Blaziken, but I think it could be... maybe blue or something. Someone else can probably answer this question better than me. xD Shiny blaziken isn't blue, shiny blaziken has the same colours but his yellow and red colour are darker, while the white hair is the pure white colour, seeming to glow.
the easyest way to get shiny blaziken is to use the action replay code all shiny this is the shiny code 12068AC6 000046CO AND THEN YOU COULD MIGRATE A TORCHICK, COMBUSKIN, OR BLAZIKEN FROM ONE OF YOUR GBA GAMES AND USE THE RARE CANDY CODE TO GET BALZIKEN THE RARE CANDY CODE IS 94000130 FCFF0000 B21C4D28 00000000 BOOOOOO4 0000000 00000DAC 03E70032 D2000000 00000000 (POKEMON MASTA RULEZ!)
Yes it Makes A Shiny Torchick lvl 13
which one will you be giving, because I have a Blaziken lv.100? Can you please give ME a level 100 rayquaza (shiny preferably) for a level 100 female Blaziken? Stats: Attack: 253 Defense: 188 Special attack: 243 Special defense: 183 Speed: 206 My user name is JEN. My friend code is 335227333133 :)
For one, you can not catch a Blastoise you must restart the game until you somehow end up with a shiny squirtle and after train and evolve it into a shiny blastoise. Chances:1-8000 or something like that
Blaziken was created in 2002.
Yes Combusken does evolve into Blaziken at level 36
Blaziken totally!
blaziken can learn ice punch
This gonna take a LONG time. Breed a male Lucario with a Female Lucario or you can breed a ditto with a Lucario of any gender. I sudjest breeding with ditto if your Lucario has moves you like. Keep hatching Riolu eggs until you get a Riolu that is gold and teal. That gold and teal Riolu is a shiny Riolu. Evovle it and you'll have a shiny Lucario. This trick works for all pokemon except for ledgendaries. Get a shiny Charizard, a shiny Blaziken, a shiny Venusaur, a shiny Gyarados with this method. To get shiny ledgendaries save before you battle one and then keep battling it and turning off the game until you find a ledgendary that is shiny.
blaziken is the best starter from torchic so yes