if u mean shaymin u need TR U event ar AR or normal event.TRU=toys 'r us store or ive u have 2 ds and diamond and platinum tweak on diamond.
BYe bye bye
You can't get the Miracle Berry without the Shamin event.
you have to catch a dragon Pokemon holding a dragon scale
event or gameshark gameshark: walk on water to an island in the north and catch him
in mt cornet at the waterfall bit i cant remember how to get there but sorry
gets oaks letter from wifi then go east in victory road and then go north, you will meet oak and you will battle a lv30 shamin
its already out
u can not get 1!
Yes you get starters on all Pokemon games.
There are new forms, but no new Pokemon.
BYe bye bye
in yhece3vbggd21ecgy6
You can get happiny in the trophy garden.
you can't,its impossible.
you can only migrate it from the GBA game Pokemon emerald.