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You cant without action replay

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Q: How do you get a second starter Pokemon in Pokemon black and white without trading?
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Where do you get a second starter with out trading?

u talk or find steven in saffron city and he will give u a starter Pokemon

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Is it possible to get every starter Pokemon on gold and silver version without trading or using a gameshark?

using the Pokemon cloning technique save before you get the first and second Pokemon but save after you get the third Pokemon. you have to vs your rival, take back the egg and have at least two Pokemon. you will be able to control all three Pokemon cus technically they were all owned originally by you. you must not save after you get the first and second Pokemon. that's it. Enjoy

How do you get the second set of starter Pokemon on Pokemon platinum?

There isn't a second set of starters.

Does HeartGold have every Pokemon?

No it does not have every Pokemon you can get more types of Pokemon by trading at the GTS or without wi-fi at the second floor of the Pokemon center with the middle lady. hope this helps ;)

How can you get all the starter Pokemon in Pokemon Platinum?

The only way to get chimchar piplup or turtwig is at the trading center in Jublife CityBut to get them on your Pokedex turtwig- second gymchimchar-trainer on rout 207piplup-trainer on route 205

Can you find a second johto starter Pokemon in Pokemon heart gold version?

Yes you can by using action replay to catch your rivals starter Pokemon with the code for catching trainers Pokemon

Will there be a Pokemon trading card game 2?

no there will not be a second one but they will make more types of pokemon

What is the second strongest starter Pokemon in black and white?

Tepig is the best choice of starter for the game.Oshawott is the second best choice of starter for the game but will struggle against Nimbasa City Gym.Then Snivy will have a disadvantage since there are hardly any Pokemon that are easy to beat with grass type Pokemon.

Where can you find fire Pokemon before the second gym on gold?

the only fire Pokemon you can get before the second gym is cyndaquil, the starter

Where do you find torterra in Pokemon Diamond?

Torterra is the final form of a starter Pokemon known as Turtwig. Turtwig evolves twice and has three different forms. It's first form is Turtwig, it's second form is Grottle, and it's third form is Torterra. If your starter Pokemon was not Turtwig, that the best way to get Torterra would be to have a friend trade it to you, or get it off of the global trading system.

How do you get a second Giratina in Pokemon platinum?

you can only get another by trading or hacking. Sorry.