First, you get a buddew and evolve it or you catch a Roselia which is very common near hearthome city (on the west). Then you give it a SHINY STONE!!! You can find one at the end of Iron Island or underground.
Hope this helps!!:)
Shiny Stone
Roselia only evolves in Pokemon platinum, diamond, and pearl Roselia evolves into roserade if you use a sun stone on it
Shiny stone is used to evolve Roselia to Roserade Togetic to Togekiss
You have to go to iron island to get the shiny stone.You can you use it on Roselia (which will evolve it to Roserade)or you could use it on Togetic which will get it to Togekiss.
Houndoom , Roserade , Garchomp , Empoleon , Luxray , Staraptor is a very good team , it just depends what moves they have , How good there stats are What level they are.Other wise , it's a very good team for Pokemon Platinum. Here's a suggestion: Gallade , Empoleon , Garchomp , Frostlass , Crobat , Gliscor.
a togekiss is it is stronger and rarer
Shiny Stone
Roserade doesn't evolve. If you mean Roselia, you need to use a dawn stone on it to make it evolve.
diamond and pearl spirttomb garchomp roserade gastrodon milotic and lucario platinum spirttomb garchomp roserade lucario milotic and togekiss
Togetic into Togekiss and Roselia into Roserade
Cynthia has: Spiritomb Lucario Garchomp Togekiss Milotic roserade
I think it evolves into a Roserade only with a Leaf Stone.
you actually cant catch it you have to give roselia a leaf stone
Roselia only evolves in Pokemon platinum, diamond, and pearl Roselia evolves into roserade if you use a sun stone on it
roserade rapidash empoleon gengar luxray staraptor for e4 all lvl 65
She has six.Spritomb,Togekiss,Milotic,Garchomp,Lucario and Roserade.