Go to pewter city and talk to the old man near the pokemart he will be on a hill then go to Ecruteak City.
You get the Rainbow Wing from a man in Pewter City next to the poke mart
You get the rainbow wing from the radio tower director after you get rid of team rocket. (Same thing in soul silver).
You get Silver wing After defeating the team rocket in the radio tower POKEMON SILVER ONLY. Rainbow wing Is found much later in the game After the Elite four In pewter City POKEMON SILVER ONLY.
in pewter city
You can't get them.
You get the Rainbow Wing from a man in Pewter City next to the poke mart
you dont get it. you just need a rainbow wing.
You get the rainbow wing from the radio tower director after you get rid of team rocket. (Same thing in soul silver).
You get Silver wing After defeating the team rocket in the radio tower POKEMON SILVER ONLY. Rainbow wing Is found much later in the game After the Elite four In pewter City POKEMON SILVER ONLY.
You get the rainbow wing in Pewter City in Kanto.
After you beat Pokemon league and you have acces to Kanto go to Pewter city. There you find an old man. He will give you (silver wing in heart gold, rainbow wing in soul silver). With silver wing you'll have acces to B3F at Whirl islands.
In pewter city a man talks about jonto thengives you the rainbow wing for no reason. He's outside up some stairs to a tiny "9 step" area
You need the rainbow wing to get it. You go to a tower and go up and Ho-oh appears.
Get the rainbow wing in petwer city and take it to bell tower and go on the top
If you get the Rainbow Wing, then go to Ecruteak and go to the top of the Bell Tower. To get the Rainbow Wing, you need to go to Pewter City (in Kanto) and there is an old guy on a hill. Talk to him and you will get the Rainbow Wing. Hope I helped!
in pewter city
go to pewter city in kanto,then talk to an old guy who will give you the rainbow wing.