Actually, in diamond version, if you use the pokeradar on routes 214, 215, you can catch mightyena. Just breed that and you'll get a poochyena.
Poochyena is a Dark type pokemon.
Poochyena is a dark type of Pokemon. In Pokemon Emerald it will evolve if you raise it up to level 18.
Yes you can at route 1
The Poochyena flees when you are one hit away from KO
You can't get poochyena in that game you have to trade from sapphire, emerald, ruby, colosseum or XD
You can get a Poochyena by breeding a female Mightyana with a Pokemon of the same type and hatching the egg.
Sadly, you can NOT catch a Poochyena on Pokémon Pearl. Its rather you migrate or you use action replay. Hope that helps!
Unfortunately, there is no way to capture a Poochyena in Pearl. You would have to either trade or use an Action Replay code to obtain it.
Poochyena evolves at level 18, unless you press b during the evolution, or it is holding an everstone.
you don't. they are only in in diamond. You need a Mightyena and breed it to have it.
were to poochyena in pokemon black? :)
Poochyena is a Dark type pokemon.
Poochyena cannot be caught in Pokemon Pearl. It's evolved form Mightyena however can be caught in Pokemon Diamond on Routes 214 and 215 with the Poke Radar.
in Pokemon sapphire poochyena evovles to mightyena
The region that you transferred it from to before to Pokemon Black or White will be displayed. For example, say if you transferred a Poochyena from Pokemon LeafGreen to Pearl, and then from Pearl to Black or White, it will say the follwoing: POOCHYENA Sinnoh Apparently arrived at Lv. 12
You can get Poochyena into your Pokemon Diamond by migrating it from a Sapphire, Ruby, or Emerald Pokemon game.
Poochyena isn't in fire red.