the only way to get a pet for your webkinz is to buy a zum and enter the code in the code shop. then you will have a zum . then you go to the zum place and go to its room and play with it. the last answer told you how to adopt a webkinz not a zum
It symbolizes the "W" in "Webkinz" to show you that it is a webkinz pet.
a webkinz pet code is in the tag tied on to your webkinz leg. open it up and type the code in at the adoption center at webkinz. that is what they are for and what they are. yours truly, AZIKOvird
It is Zumbuddy.
its the webkinz bulldog (large) source: i'm a proud owner of 20 webkinz!
The grey Owl is the May Webkinz pet of the Month. Honestly, it isn't one of my favorite webkinz, but if you really want the special surprise loot bag, then go for it!
It symbolizes the "W" in "Webkinz" to show you that it is a webkinz pet.
No, its a pet for ur Webkinz.
March's Webkinz foundation pet of the month is the Yorkie.
search on webkinz please. It is a rare pet
There is no such thing as webkinz pet of the year
I think Webkinz have Pet of the Month because they want you to buy more Webkinz.
The Webkinz "Pet of the Month" for 2009 was the Webkinz Cocker Spaniel.
Yes webkinz could go underwater but first you have to buy a underwater webkinz pet if you don't know what a underwater webkinz pet its just a webkinz pet that lives underwater.
they do not make ugly webkinz the pet of the month that is why
What was the first webkinz pet to be made
The Webkinz Blufadoodle will be the pet of the month in February 2011.
the first retired pet is the cocker spaniel which was also the first webkinz pet.