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Parasect can only be obtained in Platinum through evolving Paras, or trading (from someone that has one or migrating it from a previous Pokémon game) or cheating (Action Replay). It can't be caught as a wild Pokémon.

Please see the Related Links section for more information on acquiring an Parasect.

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Q: How do you get a parasect in Pokemon Platinum?
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Does Paras evolves into on Pokemon platinum?

Paras always evolves into Parasect. i am not quite sure what level it evolves, because paras is not quite my favorite pokemon...

What type is the Pokemon Parasect?

Parasect is the dual Bug/Grass-type Pokemon.

Does parasect evolve?

No, parasect is a fully evolved pokemon.

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What is the national pokedex number for Parasect?

Parasect is #47 in the national pokedex, and it is a Bug-Grass type Pokemon.

Who is Parasect?

Parasect is a Bug/Grass-type Pokemon that is #47 in the National Pokedex. It evolves from Paras at level 24.

How do you find parasect in soulsliver?

To find a Parasect in Pokemon SoulSilver, you must go to the Cerulean Cave in the Kanto region.

What Pokemon know false swipes?

You can teach parasect it

Can parasect learn solarbeam in Pokemon FireRed?

Of course.

Where can you find Pokemon 47 in your pokedex in Pokemon diamond?

Parasect: Evolve from Paras.

What does Paris evolve to in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Paras will evolve into Parasect.

Which Pokemon can learn falswipe?

i only know of krabby and parasect