You can find wild Mudkip in Union Cave. They're just really, REALLY, REALLY rare though.
u can't catch a mudkip somewhere else. u can have it if u choose it as your starter. in Pokemon shiny gold u have the chance to caught a mudkip in union cave but it is hard to caught a mudkip cause it is rare.!!!!!!!!!!!1 so don't get fool of finding a wild mudkip
if u can get a shiny ditto and breed it with a mudkip u will have a shiney mudkip new answer: sorry, the above is not true. getting a shiny does NOT improve your chances of getting a shiny from an egg, it is the same chance as getting it from a wild Pokemon ( 1/8192 ). To get a shiny mudkip: at the beginning, when professor birch is attacked, choose mudkip (save in front of the bag). if it isn't shiny, reset, and keep trying. Im trying to get a shiny torchic, takes ages sometimes or if you're lucky it could be quick! Hope I helped. (hint: reset by doing A+B+START+SELECT. It skips the opening game boy credit)
about level 16
IT evolves at level 40 only in shiny gold
At level 40 only in shiny gold
Unless you cheat to make a shiny Mudkip, the shiny appearance rate is 1 in 8192. You will be restarting the game for quite a while if you are determined to obtain a shiny Mudkip as your starter.
u can't catch a mudkip somewhere else. u can have it if u choose it as your starter. in Pokemon shiny gold u have the chance to caught a mudkip in union cave but it is hard to caught a mudkip cause it is rare.!!!!!!!!!!!1 so don't get fool of finding a wild mudkip
if u can get a shiny ditto and breed it with a mudkip u will have a shiney mudkip new answer: sorry, the above is not true. getting a shiny does NOT improve your chances of getting a shiny from an egg, it is the same chance as getting it from a wild Pokemon ( 1/8192 ). To get a shiny mudkip: at the beginning, when professor birch is attacked, choose mudkip (save in front of the bag). if it isn't shiny, reset, and keep trying. Im trying to get a shiny torchic, takes ages sometimes or if you're lucky it could be quick! Hope I helped. (hint: reset by doing A+B+START+SELECT. It skips the opening game boy credit)
Mudkip's tail has a light blue color in the normal form. As a shiny, its tail is changed to a light yellow/gold color.
only for shiny zorua
about level 16
IT evolves at level 40 only in shiny gold
At level 40 only in shiny gold
You can get shiny gold in asia.Im in the phillipeans and i got shiny gold in the it for3 dollars american
it is shiny and gold colored
Shiny eevee is silver a cool color for it u can name a shiny one silver and nonshiny gold because the non shiny is kind of gold