Umm....... as far as I'm concerned Mos come in disguise-you won't know if it's a Mo until you have already stolen the egg. I have heard a story or two about getting them in the early morning, like 6 or 7 am. Hope I helped!
A few games that are similar to Magistream are Dragon Cave, and Egg Cave.
An egg on Dragon Cave does not need a certain amount of views to hatch. However, an egg needs 'unique views' in order to hatch. They will usually need a few hundred unique views.
They are only found in the main cave or abandoned page. (I suggest refreshing on the main page.)~Eustic
Wait two weeks and it will disappear.
It is given to you in Chargestone cave by Professor Juniper.
Getting a Mo on eggcave can be difficult. How to get a Mo: First, you have to adopt eggs out of the cave like normal. Name it and all that. If you are lucky, one of those random eggs will turn out to be a Mo egg. But you won't know it is a Mo egg until AFTER you have adopted it. It will appear as any of the other eggs in the cave and when you name it. When you check in your profile to see your new eggs you'll know whether any of the new eggs you just got is a Mo or not. Currently Mo's are fairly rare to get. So good luck! :)
Check out it's a new fansite for egg cave register then view the blog the solutions is there
you chose the egg you want then leave the way you came in
You can get the golden egg on the left in the pit.
By not feeding them
It means your egg is starting to hatch!
in fall, there seasonal
Ticket Ian.
Probablly cave men!
Actually, you get the lucky egg from Prof. Juniper when you enter the chargestone cave.
Click on the food above it
A few games that are similar to Magistream are Dragon Cave, and Egg Cave.