After you have defeated all 8 gym leaders, go to prof. elm. He will give you the masterball.
After defeating Team Rocket, you need to go to Prof. Elm. He will give you a Masterball if you talk to him.
First, give a masterball to a Pokemon (suggestion: legendary,) then put it in an empty box. When it is finished doing the "Saving... do not turn off the power" thing without u pressing A, shut it off. when u turn it back on, it should have your Pokemon in your party, and your masterball in your bag. the Pokemon u copied will also be in your PC and it will be with the masterball!!! this cheat also works on other versions
if u use any masterball cheat u get bad egg in Pokemon PC
just go back to new bark town and talk to professor elm but i think it is required you finish some parts in the story first.
you get it when you beat all the johto badges in the game and prof. oak will call you and give you a masterball p.s never let a sister use your pokemon games if she doesn't know pokemon and you have a masterball hope this helps!
professor elm gives it to you..
Duplicate Pokemon with a masterball attached to them.
After defeating Team Rocket, you need to go to Prof. Elm. He will give you a Masterball if you talk to him.
use a masterball.
you can get it after you have all the 8 gym badges of johto prof elm gives you a call and tell you that he has something for you
F You can either use an Action Replay Cartiridge, which is not endorsed by Nintendo or the makers of the game, so is cheating, or you can have a pokemon traded to you which is holding a masterball, so be careful when trading pokemon that the pokemon you are giving is only holding the item you want to give them :)
well you give it to a Pokemon, later, clone it, and later you have the 2 Pokemon and 2 master ball by ayrtonmanuel you can win one with the lotto in goldenrod
its verrry rare but if you try B+down or A+any
First, give a masterball to a Pokemon (suggestion: legendary,) then put it in an empty box. When it is finished doing the "Saving... do not turn off the power" thing without u pressing A, shut it off. when u turn it back on, it should have your Pokemon in your party, and your masterball in your bag. the Pokemon u copied will also be in your PC and it will be with the masterball!!! this cheat also works on other versions
there is only one masterball