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No only in diamond and pearl and in the upcoming black and white games

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Q: How do you get a magnezone in Pokemon Soul Silver?
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How does magneton evolve in Pokemon soul silver?

it doesnt evolve you gt a magnezone from pearl diamond or patnum

What is a good Pokemon party in Pokemon soul silver?

personally i like steelix,alakazam,magnezone as some good Pokemon for my party but if you havent beat the elite 4 then try to get a good ice type

If I trade my magneton from soul silver to diamond or pearl to evolve it into magnezone will I be able to use it in Soul Silver even though I don't have the national pokedex?

Yes..... you can use Magnezone in Pokemon soulsilver if you don't have the national dex..... but make sure that you have enough badges for it to listen to you or it might not attack because it is over leveled and you have to little badges.

How do you catch Kyogre in Pokemon soul silver?

sorry you have to trade it to Pokemon soul silver

What type of Pokemon is Magnezone?

Magnezone is an Electric and Steel type pokemon.

Should you get Pokemon Soul Silver?

Soul silver is AWESOMENESS!! yes GET IT

Can you trade from Pokemon soul silver to diamond or pearl I am training a magnemite and I want to know whether I can evolve this particular magnetmite into magnezone in diamond or pearl?

Yes you can trade from soulsilver - heartgold to pearl and diamond etc....

How many Pokemon are in Pokemon soul silver?

According to there are 493 Pokemon in Soul Silver.

Where is the Pokemon contest on Pokemon soul sivler?

You can't do Pokemon contests in Pokemon soul silver.

What is Pokemon SoulSilver version about?

Why Soul Silver is about the original Pokemon Silver game for game boy. Soul Silver has some more bonuses.

How do you get a silver apricorn in Pokemon soul silver?

There is no Silver Apricorn...

I have Pokemon soul silver and I was wondering if this is a good party alakazam typhlosion steelix and magnezone and what would be another good Pokemon to have in my party?

Good party, I would recomend getting some sort of water, dragon, or grass types to block some of the weaknesses I can see.