Theme hotel
well, if you're making a hotel lot for the first time, just build the hotel under community lot, then, after you're done building, do Shift + Ctl + C, then type in changelotzoning hotel . The desk is under collections, hotel. That's the one with the stripes.
to cheat the way i found if you're on face book and you have your own account on hotel city, just reload it and each time you load your account bellboy play fish on the friends list will automatically have money sitting in his hotel there for you and it will give you 400 coins.
If you have created a hotel you will either just have to make sims live in it as a home or make it a community lot and some sims may sleep in it. But you cannot actually make a proper hotel and for it to be used as a hotel on Sims 3.
it give a lot of heath for not a lot of money
Get a players club card and spend a lot of money.
I Knew a lady in Aspen, Colorado who made 400,000 a year! Just depends on where you are and which hotel you're workking at. Genereal managers can make a lot of money.
You can buy a house and buy things related to a hotel of a specific theme
It really takes a lot of money you have to pay for every thing. CB
Lost City
No, it does not.
Food Hotel Airline Ticket Clothes Souvenirs Gas
Is the theme park hotel and real
Fire them! lol
Alton Towers is a hotel within a theme park. The resort hotel has three floors. It is a big hotel but it is not tall. It is one of several places to stay within the Alton Towers theme park.
It is a ticket used as money in hotel